Travel writers have the unique ability to transport readers to far-off lands and distant adventures. Whether journeying to a bustling city, an untouched tribe, or an exquisite beach, the best travel writers bring together incredible facts, connection to history, and stories filled with culture, creating an unforgettable experience that make readers want to book a trip of their own. The role of being a travel writer requires a sense of adventure, creativity, and an ability to immerse oneself among new cultures and landscapes. Here find our recommendations on some of the world's best travel writers. This isn't mean to truly be a definitive "best ever" list, as thankfully there are plenty of other great authors with books out there that still need to be read. Our recommendations do however provide a great representative sample of those writers who have shaped travel literature, including some of the most obvious candidates such as popular current authors including Bill Bryson and Paul Theroux, the legendary Jan Morris (who passed away in 2020), some of the historical greats like Freya Stark and Eric Newby, and some of the best adventure travel journalists like Jon Krakauer and Tim Cahill. We are always looking for new up and coming superstars, and so please send us any suggestions. Happy reading!